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Friday, December 31, 2010


Poemas-Tristes.Com Les desea Feliz Año 2011!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lección de Superación - Nick Vujicic - ¿Vas a acabar siendo fuerte?

Este video puede enseñarnos algo sobre la superación de los problemas a los que nos enfrentamos en nuestra vida. - Nick Vujicic es un chico nacido en 1982, creador de Life Without Limbs, una organización para los físicamente discapacitados. Nació en Melbourne, Australia, sin extremidades, faltándole ambos brazos a nivel de los hombros, y con solo un pequeño pie con dos dedos en su muslo izquierdo. Tras una vida de lucha y superación, Nick se graduó de la Facultad a la edad de 21 y comenzó sus viajes como orador motivacional, enfocándose en los temas con los que le toca enfrentarse a la juventud de hoy día.

La muerte y el nacimiento de otro Año

La muerte y el nacimiento de otro Año

Muy pronto cambiaran los tiempos,
los días, las semanas, y los meses,
y muchas preguntas quedaran en el tintero,
y muchas lagrimas de sangre cubrirán la madre tierra,
de donde fuimos hechos,
y donde volveremos un día,
por la claridad que ilumina los cielos.

Y las sonrisas desnudas como la estrella,
y la luz que siguió cosechando la vida,
mientras el tiempo, sigue su curso,
las huellas del pasado van quedando
como eco, anunciando que el año, va envejeciendo,
como las hojas de los años terminan,
dejando, un recuerdo que no se puede cambiar sin remedio.

Pero, nacerá muy pronto el heredero,
del tiempo transparente, y el silencioso,
que nos traerá el invisible futuro,
de oportunidades, como racimos de uvas,
de sueños, secretos, y esperanza,
de un nuevo año, que alegrara el cambio inesperado del tiempo,
y vendrán, nuevos días, nuevos meses,
de unos que se volverán en polvo,
por sus desgracias,
y otros se llenaran los bolsillos
por las penas de otros.

Confiemos en dios, que solo él nos ayudara que salgamos adelante.

( Maury )

Poemas 2011 cortos

Mi Amor

Mi Amor
A Ti Mi Amor,
Cuando El Sol Se Pone,
Y El Día Muere,
Nace En Mi,
Un Universo Nuevo
Un Lugar Donde Solo
Tu Y Yo Podemos Fundirnos
En Un Abrazo No Importa
Si Nadie Mas Lo Sabe,
Solo Tu Y Yo Lo Sentimos
Donde Tu Piel Fundida
En La Mía Se Hace
Una Amalgama De Amor
Y Pasión Donde El Color De Tus Ojos
Reemplaza Por Lejos La Luz Del Sol
Y Me Atraviesa Y Tiemblo
Tiemblo De Miedo
Tiemblo Porque Se ,
que No Viviré Por Siempre,
Este Momento Mágico
Ni Siquiera Mi Vida Será Eterna
Para Estar Contigo
Y Tiemblo Otra Vez
En Tus Brazos De Amor......
(Poemas 2011 cortos)

Frases para Año Nuevo

Frases para Año Nuevo

- Si la vida te da 1.000 razones para llorar, demuestra que tienes 1.001 razones para soñar, haz de tu vida un sueño y del sueño una realidad. ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

- Las personas entran en nuestras vidas por casualidad, pero no es casualidad que permanezcan en nuestros corazones.

- Gracias por tu amistad. Que tus deseos se cumplan. ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

- Un día un sabio dijo: “La riqueza del ser humano se mide por la calidad de los amigos que uno tiene”. ¡Gracias por ser parte de mi fortuna! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

- Siempre es bueno un año nuevo Junto a ti amada hermana que los ángeles del cielo te conserven linda y sana.

- Hay un dicho que dice “cada vez que un hombre ríe añade un par de días a su vida”. Para que hagamos de este año, un año con mucho más de 365 días. ¡Feliz Año!

- Para los buenos momentos, Gratitud. Para los malos, mucha Esperanza. Para cada día, una Ilusión. Y siempre Felicidad.

- He visto la Felicidad y me ha dicho que iba a tu casa. Le he pedido que llevase también a la Salud y al Amor. Trátalos bien, van de mi parte.

- Si la vida te da mil razones para llorar, demuestra que tienes mil y una para soñar. Haz de tu vida un sueño y de tu sueño una realidad. Feliz año nuevo.

- Si fuera una estrella fugaz escribiría en lo alto del cielo ¡Feliz Navidad! Porque es lo que te deseo, unas felices fiestas y prosperidad para el próximo año 2009.

- Hay 2 días al año sobre los que no puedes hacer nada: AYER Y MAÑANA: solamente hoy podrás perdonar, sonreír, soñar, amar, sentir…FELIZ NAVIDAD Y PRÓSPERO AÑO NUEVO.

- Para Navidad: felicidad, para Año Nuevo: prosperidad, y para siempre: nuestra amistad. Feliz año nuevo.

- Los amigos son como las estrellas, no siempre hablas con ellas pero tú sabes que siempre están allí. Feliz año nuevo.

- Se cambia de año; se cambia de sueños; se cambia de objetivos; se cambia de aspecto. Pero jamás, jamás se cambia de amigos. FELIZ AÑO!!.

- Que todas tus ilusiones y metas se cumplan en el nuevo año, Pero si tu felicidad depende de mi amistad, considérate la persona más feliz del mundo. FELIZ NUEVO AÑO.

- Querido amigo, si recibes este mensaje es porque la luz que te guía está cercana a la mía. Ojalá estas luces nunca se separen. Feliz navidad de todo corazón y próspero año nuevo.

- En el cielo están tristes porque han perdido un angelito. No te preocupes, no les diré dónde estás… Feliz año nuevo.

- Que nunca te falte un sueño por el que luchar, un proyecto que realizar, algo que aprender, un lugar a donde ir, y alguien a quien querer… Mi felicitación de año nuevo para ti.

- Te quería mandar algo súper especial para felicitarte el Año Nuevo, pero tuve un problema… ¿Cómo envuelvo todo mi amor y un dulce beso? Que nunca te falte el amor… y si no, ya sabes dónde encontrarme. ¡Feliz Año!.

- Cierra los ojos, piensa en todo lo que te hizo sonreír en el año que termina y olvídate de lo demás… Ojalá esas sonrisas se te multipliquen por todo el próximo año. Feliz Año.

- Deseo que la paz secuestre tu vida, el amor inunde tu alma y la felicidad refleje en tu cara, te deseo, de corazón todo lo bueno que te mereces. Feliz Año Nuevo!!

- Cuando recibas este mensaje, cierra los ojos e imagina los momentos más felices de tu vida; eso es lo que deseo para ti, un feliz año lleno de alegría.

Soy el AÑo Nuevo

Soy el AÑo Nuevo

Soy el Año Nuevo, vengo a ti puro e inmaculado;
acabo de salir de las manos de Dios.
Cada día es una perla de gran precio
que te es concedida para que la ensartes
en el hilo de plata de la vida.
Una vez ensartada, ya no puede desenhebrarse jamás;
queda allí como un testimonio inmortal de tu fe y de tu destreza.
Debes fundir entonces,
cada minuto,
como eslabón dorado a la cadena eterna de las horas.
En tus manos te han sido entregados
riqueza y poder para hacer de tu vida lo que quieras.
Te doy, libremente y sin reservas,
doce meses gloriosos de lluvia refrescante
como una caricia y de luz de sol con fulgores de oro.
Los días, para trabajar y recrearte en la belleza de las cosas;
las noches, para que duermas con un sueño tranquilo.
Todo lo que tengo te lo doy con amor que no puede definirse.
Todo lo que te pido es que no permitas
que nadie profane tu fe ni oscurezca tu visión.
( Dante )

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Compartiendo con ustedes un Historia, "HISTORIA DE SUPERACIÓN PERSONAL" espero que les guste


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

El diario de un perro. (Historia muy buena en Vídeo)

Una historia triste que se repite constantemente,esperando que con este video se toque el corazon de algunos y recapaciten antes de echar a un perro a la calle, igualmente si puedes ser su salvador darles cobijo y amor para los tantos que hay ahora en la calle.

Una bella historia de amor real. (Luchando contra la adversidad)

El Amor verdadero logra trascender las barrelas de la muerte, y promete amar en lo prospero y lo adverso, en la salud y la enfermedad.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Cancion Romantica de Rihanna

Rihanna - Hate that I love you (feat. Bisbal)

Esta Es una buena Cancion de Rihanna con David Bisbal, Cancion que puedes dedicarle a alguien especial...Poemas Tristes Con los Mejores Videos Romanticos.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Veena - Puku Lo Durada

The University of Oxford (informally Oxford University, or simply Oxford) is a university located in Oxford, United Kingdom. It is the second oldest surviving university in the world and the oldest university in the English-speaking world.Although the exact date of foundation remains unclear, there is evidence of teaching there as far back as the 11th century. The University grew rapidly from 1167 when Henry II banned English students from attending the University of Paris.In post-nominals the University of Oxford was historically abbreviated as Oxon. (from the Latin Oxoniensis), although Oxf is nowadays used in official University publications.

Mallika Sherawath - Dengulata

University Of UK:- St George's, University of London (SGUL), previously known as St George's Hospital Medical School (SGHMS), is a specialist medical college of the University of London, and one of the United Hospitals. The college has its origins in 1733,and was the second institution in England to provide formal training courses for doctors (after the University of Oxford). As of 2008 the medical school accepted around 100 graduates, 175 undergraduates and 10 students from overseas making it one of the larger UK medical schools.

Bhalle Chance - Aa Roju Rathri

University Of UK:- Oxford Brookes has roots in Oxford that go back to 1865, when it was known as the Oxford School of Art, located in a single room on the ground floor of the Taylor Institution, St. Giles. In 1870 the School of Science was incorporated into the School of Art. In 1891, under the administration of the City Council's Technical Instruction Committee, it was renamed the Oxford City Technical School, incorporating the School of Art, and plans were made to relocate to the former Blue Coat School for Boys on St. Ebbes. In 1934 the School of Art and the Technical School were merged, and John Henry Brookes, Vice Principal of the Technical School, was appointed the first principal of the merged institution. Renamed "Oxford College of Technology" in 1956, its first residence hall was established in 1960 and the college relocated to Headington in 1963. In 1970, it became Oxford Polytechnic, and in 1992, following enactment of the Further and Higher Education Act was renamed Oxford Brookes University. In October 2003 Oxford Brookes university became the first university in the world to be awarded Fairtrade status. In 2007 Oxford Brookes came fifth in the new environmental league table of universities and received a first class rating for its environmental credentials.

Annaya-02 - RaaDengu Plzz

University Of UK:- The University of the West of England (abbrev. UWE, often pronounced "you-we") is a university based in the English city of Bristol. Its main campus is at Frenchay, about five miles (8 km) north of the city centre. UWE also has a smaller campus at St Matthias, a School of Health and Social Care at Glenside in north-east Bristol and the School of Creative Arts, located at Bower Ashton, near Ashton Court in south-west Bristol.

Annaya-01 - Raa Dengu Plzz

University Of UK:- The University of East London (UEL) is a university located in the London Borough of Newham, east London, England. The university has more than 26,000 students, based at two campuses in Stratford and Docklands areas. The University of East London is one of the leading modern universities in the UK. According to the results of the most recent government research assessment exercise, UEL is among the top ten post-1992 universities in the UK for research. With more than 26,000 students from 110 countries worldwide, UEL is one of the UK’s most diverse and fastest growing universities.

Vadina Paalu - Pesuka - Aa eme Maza

University Of UK:- University College London (UCL) is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom and the largest constituent college of the federal University of London. Founded in 1826, UCL was the first university institution to be founded in London and the first in England to be established on an entirely secular basis, to admit students regardless of their religion and to admit women on equal terms with men. UCL became one of the two founding colleges of the University of London in 1836.

Ventaadina Korika - Dengulata

Universities in the United Kingdom:- The UK Higher Education Europe Unit
The Europe Unit is a sector-wide body which aims to raise awareness of the European issues affecting UK higher education and to coordinate the UK’s involvement in European initiatives and debates. Launched in January 2004, the Unit seeks to strengthen the position of the UK higher education sector in debates on the Bologna Process and EU policy.More

Vijaya Prasaadam - Aa Roju Rathri

Queen Mary University of London

Like other top UK universities, Queen Mary University of London offers various graduate, postgraduate, doctorate or research programs for the national as well as international applicants willing to study in UK.With an exception to the other UK Universities offering MBA in UK, the School of Business and Management of the Queen Mary University of London offers Masters in fields like International Financial Management, International Human Resource Management and Employment Relations, Management and Organization and Marketing. All these courses are spread over a one year term starting in September. The deadline for applying to the University’s postgraduate course is 31st May. These courses follow the semester system involving class lectures, presentations etc. Towards the end of the course the candidates are required to do project work based on their discretion of the topic. The final assessment of the student is based on the class performance as well as the thesis or project work undertaken.

Rassi - Puku Lo Durada

Brunel University :- Brunel University located in Uxbridge, West London, England is counted among the top universities of the world and has been ranked 47 out of 122 UK Universities by the Times Good Universities Guide. It has 15000 students including 2500 international students enrolled in various streams. Brunel University’s mantra is to achieve academic excellence with practical and entrepreneurial skills hence a number of courses here have actual placements and projects as an integral part of the curriculum.
Courses offered: Brunel offers a plethora of courses in science and technology, engineering, arts and humanities, business and social sciences, language and cultural studies, medicine and health in undergraduate, post graduate and research programmes. It is equipped with state of the art labs and workshops ranging from multi-media facilities like video editing and digital broadcasting, rapid prototyping machines, engine testing suites, metal fabrication and model making, flight, driving and train simulators for engineering and designing courses and an indoor athletics centre.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Chillpe - Dengulata

Oxford University today tops the Guardian's university league table for the sixth year running, with arch-rival Cambridge holding onto second place.Oxford came top with a rating of 10 out of 10 for expenditure per student, while Cambridge and Edinburgh achieved more than nine out of 10. However, Queen Margaret and Edinburgh Napier universities overcome low spending per student to take places 63 and 55 in the tables. University College Plymouth St Mark and St John came last with just over two out of 10.
Warwick comes third and St Andrews fourth – the pair have switched positions from last year. University College London, Lancaster, Imperial College, London School of Economics, Loughborough and York are in the top 10. London Metropolitan has come last.There's no doubt that Oxford's history - all 900 years of it - is very present. You'll probably live in at least one beautiful, centuries-old building, sit at the same desk as your favourite prime minister or Nobel prize-winner, or take part in one of the ridiculous traditions that have been ridiculous since the 17th century. But Oxford is also a modern university: at, or near, the top of national and global rankings, year after year, at the forefront of research and teaching, and with tip-top facilities

Swaati - Raa Plzzz

MBA courses in the UK
Master of Business Administration (MBA) courses in the UK are a particularly intensive, challenging and rewarding form of taught postgraduate course. You’ll be expected to work through a large amount of material, complete projects and assignments and give regular presentations. Teaching methods characteristic of MBAs include case studies, simulations and business games.

Atta - Dengulata

Education in the United Kingdom is a devolved matter with each of the countries of the United Kingdom having separate systems under separate governments: the UK Government is responsible for England, and the Scottish Government, the Welsh Assembly Government and the Northern Ireland Executive are responsible for Scotland,[1] Wales[2] and Northern Ireland, respectively. While the systems in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are more similar, the Scottish system is quite different.
For details of education in each country, see:
Education in England
Education in Northern Ireland
Education in Scotland
Education in Wales

Bhuvana Tho - Aa Roju Rathri

UK undergraduate degree courses
UK degree programmes can be tailored to your interests. Although some core topics on your undergraduate degree will be compulsory, you can also choose from optional modules. This gives you the opportunity to specialise in key areas that could help you achieve your career goals. Lectures are an important part of UK undergraduate courses, but you’ll spend most of your time in small tutorial and seminar groups. Together with your tutor and fellow students, you will discuss and analyse pre-prepared topics. Here you will find your ideas and opinions are very welcome. If you choose a technical undergraduate degree subject in the UK, you are likely to spend a large portion of your time in supervised laboratory work. This is designed to help you develop necessary technical skills.

Goa Deddula - Kamakeli

Places to study English language in the UK
There are accredited institutions throughout the UK – in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. So you can decide which region best suits your needs. You can also choose the type of English language institution you want to study at.

Amma Peddamma

'The UK education system is respected and valued all over the world. To ensure standards remain high, there are many independent organisations who regularly inspect and accredit UK institutions and courses. You can be sure that studying in the UK is the right choice to make the most of your education and enhance your future career prospects.'

Vimala - Dengulata

UK higher education universities and colleges
Although each UK institution is responsible for the standards and quality of its programmes, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) regularly carries out independent audits. They ensure that institutions in the UK are providing higher education, awards and qualifications of an acceptable quality and at an appropriate academic standard. The QAA have also developed a code of practice for UK institutions who deliver degree programmes in other countries. So if you choose to study a UK qualification in your own country, you will benefit from the same high standards of teaching, resource and support as you would from studying in the UK.

Maa Maridi - Aa Anubhavam

Postgraduate programmes in the UK
If you study as a UK postgraduate student, most of the work you do will be on your own initiative, which really develops your thinking and research skills. On taught courses, postgraduate tutors and lecturers provide the framework of the course, but you are encouraged to pursue your own interests. With postgraduate research programmes, the principal teaching method is original research, completed under academic supervision.Many UK postgraduate research programmes offer introductory taught courses that provide training in research skills. This will help you prepare for the advanced research you’ll need to do

Vasanta Ra Dengu Plzzz


Friday, December 10, 2010

Raevati - Aa Roju Rathri


Muripaalu - నిప్ప్లె తో సరసం


Kama Sastry - Kamakeli


Snaanam Saradaalu - Kamakeli

A public university is a university that is predominantly funded by public means through a national or sub national government, as opposed to private universities. A national university may or may not be considered a public university, depending on regions. In some regions of the world prominent public institutions are highly influential centers of research; many of these universities are ranked among the world best in the THES - QS World University Rankings and the Academic Ranking of World Universities, including the University of Toronto (right), the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, and the University of California, Berkeley

Kalisundaam Raa - Kamakeli


Duduku - Kamakeli


Hema - Rathri ke Ra


Goddu kaarem - Kamakeli


Partner - Rathri ke Ra


Shooping Mall - Kamakeli


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Drawing Teacher - Aa Anubhavan

Nenu Naa Kodalu - Train Journey


Bus Lo Dengulata


Raadhikaa Ramani - Dengulata


Raadhikaa Ramani - Aa Edharu


raadhikaa-ramani - Aa Koreka


Manjula - Aa Roju Rathri


Mava - Kamakeli


Akka Tammudi Sarasam


Kuttu Machine - Kamakeli


Kallu Musukunna kamam


Parusu Poyindi - Puku Dorkindhe


Adhupu Thapine Pilla - Dengulata


Peddinti Puranam - Kamakeli


Rasaala Raasi - Dengulata


Lorry Driver - Dengulata


Rendo Manasu - Kamakeli


Vennela - Dengulata


Iddaru Tallulu - Kamakeli


Majic - magic - Aa Rathri


Jamuna Puranam - Kamakeli


Talli - Kama daham


Evari Saradalu Varivi - Kamakeli


Savathi - Dengulata 1


Savathi - Dengulata 3


Savathi - Kamakeli

Savathi Bharya+Vadinato - Mugure Dengulata


Saikiran Dengulata - Aaa Plzzz


Pinni - Raa Thondarga


Telivaina kodalu - Kamakeli