Commentary on War: I'm fifty-eight years old, and I can't remember a time when the United States was not at war, preparing for another war, or just getting over a war (not to include WWI and WWII); thus, we've had a busy half-century. I was but three years old when the Korean War broke out, in l950, and in 1953, when it was tranquilized. Then again in 1964, my friends went to Vietnam, and I in 1971, that war ended in 1975, an eleven year war. I thought we'd have peace but we got a few more wars in-between (we always do); such as, in the 80s Haiti involvement, Granada, and some secret Central American things; nothing real big. And then we got Bosnia in the 90s, and a few other little East Europe wars to attend to (mixed with these wars we had Granada and a few African uprisings); always helping out Europe with their little squats, which they feel are important, and when it comes to American made squats, of course they are less important to them. Also in the 90s we got Iraqi I, and in the now 21st Century, we've had to contend with Afghanistan and Iraqi II. We are a country full of warlords to be sure. What will be next, between 2007 and 2016, as I had predicted in 1984, we will be in line with the onset of WWIII. We have been fighting it since l950, with Korea, now it is set in motion: the war on terror is part of it of course. When I say set in motion, I mean, things are going to fly. We already got Iran and Korea on the hot list; Syria is bordering it; and we are going to have to contend with the Arabs sneaking through South America to North America and lighting up a path once they got on solid ground. Russia and China are becoming economies with highbrow ideas; we may have ruled the 90s, but I fear, things will change, as often they do. Dlsiluk
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Poemas Tristes
Labels: Poemas Tristes
Monday, January 17, 2011
Female Chest Tattoos
The upper chest and breast area are extremely popular areas for women to get tattoos, it offers a great canvas and is see by all types of different women and personalities. It is also very easy to cover up just in case you are in a professional or environment where it may be offensive to show.
Popular and Great Looking Tattoos for this Area
Women tend to get a variety of tattoos in these areas including flowers, hearts, butterflies, feminine designs, nature, cute animals- the possibilities are just absolutely endless and they can be very attractive for their partner or significant other.
Upper Chest -While there are a variety of tattoos in this area, the tattoos in the upper chest which is right below the neck tend to be more complex and highly illustrated designs. Whatever you decide to get make sure you get it from the best source!
Where to Find the Best Tattoos
There are many different places in which you can find various tattoos and the great thing is that you can start today. If you are like the millions of people who look for attractive tattoos online on a regular basis - you will quickly find out how frustrating it truly is to find that tattoo you are absolutely searching for.
You will need to find a professional gallery that has a huge variety of unique tattoo designs for your benefit. You will also want to find a tattoo gallery that can give you something that is definitely different from the generic junk that you'll find online - especially through search engines.
Labels: Female Chest Tattoos
Friday, January 7, 2011
Te oigo y te amo.
Quizás jamás dejemos de decirnos lo que nos queremos, lo que
nos amamos, lo que esperamos, el amor es así, nunca aparece el cansancio, nunca dejamos de producir magia con sentimientos.
Y yo quiero que siga así, por que con cada palabra, con cada sílaba, con cada sonido que sale de tus labios me estremezco, y aunque ya conozca tu voz -como no conocerla si es lo único que quiero escuchar- cada vez que te escucho vuelvo a temblar y me vuelvo a enamorar de ti una y mil veces.
Cuando no estás, te oigo, cuando estas te admiro, cuando no estás te siento, cuando estás te quiero abrazar.
Recítame tus poemas, tus pensamientos, que una cosa es escribir, otra escucharlos de tus labios, quiero escucharte susurrándome al oído cuanto me quieres, recítame tus anhelos, lo que esperas de mi, lo que sueñas, procuraré meterme en tus sueños y en tus pensamientos,
cumplir tus esperanzas y estar ahí cada instante.
Te quiero seguir oyendo, sumando los sonidos, guardando tus palabras en mis sentimientos, obedeciendo fielmente con amor tus anhelos.
Te quiero seguir escuchando, cuando lo hago olvido el mundo, olvido las penas, olvido hasta el olvido.
Me despido de ti, no sin antes decirte que ahora no te oigo, pero miento, grabé tus palabras diciéndome que me amas y por eso la sonrisa se quedó perenne en mi.
Deseo que llegue el momento de volvértelo a escuchar, por que
tus: "te amo", son mi fuerza de vivir.
Te oigo, te amo
Labels: Poemas de Amor
Thursday, January 6, 2011
El valor de UN TE QUIERO.
y sinceramente te las mereces...
Te quiero decir que si mañana dejo de existir,
te observaré en el cielo, te cuidaré y, sobre todo,
abogaré por aminorar tu sufrimiento.
Te quiero decir que si dejas este mundo,
Dios no lo quiera, te recordaré y siempre te voy a querer,
cada noche hablaré contigo.
Quiero que sepas que te quiero mucho
y eso es algo muy importante para mí,
ya que hay veces que uno cree
que no es conveniente decirlo por cualquier razón.
Sé que debí decirte antes cuánto te aprecio,
pero si por alguna razón no nos volvemos a ver,
te dejo esta nota para que sepas lo mucho que te quiero.
Y si no alcanzaste a decírmelo y yo dejo de existir,
no te preocupes, que por el simple hecho de nuestra amistad
sabré que me aprecias.
Recuerda que nunca sabemos cuándo dejamos de existir,
por eso quiero decirte hoy con esto
¡Que te aprecio mucho!
Labels: Poemas de Amor
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Miedo de tu amor.
Tengo miedo de tu piel,
porque me tiene atrapado
como una mosca en la miel.
Me dan pánico tus labios,
porque después de besarlos,
te juro cariño mío,
lo dulce me sabe amargo.
Me da miedo tu mirada,
bella, tibia, limpia, clara,
porque al cruzarme con ella
dentro de tus ojos vivo
y fuera no existe nada.
Tengo miedo de quererte,
porque después de probarte,
vivir sin poder tenerte
no es vida, es mil veces muerte.
Se lo escribí a alguien que el tiempo me demostró que no lo merecía, pero supongo que eso ya da igual. Lo importante es que en un momento de mi vida, esa persona me hizo sentir así y supongo que es algo que tengo que agradecerle. Es algo que yo mismo me he dedicado a mí, para mostrarme mis inseguridades y mi forma de sentir y de amar. Siempre con miedo. No miedo al amor. Miedo al desamor. Al dolor después de la risa, al dolor que causa recordar con amor a alguien que ya no te quiere...
Colaboración de Jesús García.
Labels: Poemas de Amor
El arbol tiene una Rama - Frases
El arbol tiene una Rama
la rama una flor
dime tu amor mio
de donde nace le amor
el amor nace de una esperanza
crece de una ilusion
se alimenta de los celos y muere de una traicion .
Labels: Frases de Amor
Aurora capitulo 43 Telenovela
Ver Aurora Capitulo 43 Online - Hoy Martes 04 de enero de 2011 les voy a presentar un nuevo capítulo, de la Telenovela Aurora, Capítulo que se trasmite por Televisión de lunes a viernes , Aurora es una Telenovela realizada por Televisión quienes tienen todos los derechos de Trasmisión. El capítulo de su telenovela favorita Aurora se encuentra en alta calidad de vídeo y sonido para que no puedan perderse ningún detalle de esta super telenovela, además de eso lo podrás descargar gratis a tu ordenador. Este es el capítulo de Aurora Capítulo de hoy Martes 04 de enero de 2011. Espero que la disfruten sin problema alguno su Telenovela Faborita
Labels: Telenovelas
Triunfo de Amor Capitulo 52
Ver Triunfo de Amor Capitulo 52 Online - Hoy Martes 04 de enero de 2011 les voy a presentar un nuevo capítulo, de la Telenovela Triunfo de Amor, Capítulo que se trasmite por Televisión de lunes a viernes , Triunfo de Amor es una Telenovela realizada por Televisión quienes tienen todos los derechos de Trasmisión. El capítulo de su telenovela favorita Triunfo de Amor se encuentra en alta calidad de vídeo y sonido para que no puedan perderse ningún detalle de esta super telenovela, además de eso lo podrás descargar gratis a tu ordenador. Este es el capítulo de Triunfo de Amor Capítulo de hoy Martes 04 de enero de 2011. Espero que la disfruten sin problema alguno su Telenovela Faborita
Labels: Telenovelas
Poema de Despedida Adios amor
Adios amor
Un hermoso poema de despedida solo aqui en Poemas tristes
pero que deseas alejarte
por un tiempo de mi vida,
que lo nuestro no tiene
caso ni razón de ser…
Y yo me pregunto,
si en verdad sientes ¿eso?
Si mi pasión no te ha
conmovido para nada,
si mis besos, mis caricias,
mi apoyo incondicional,
y mis lágrimas no te ha
llegado al corazón y al alma?
Y me pregunto, porque si dices
que me quieres
nuestra relación no se mantuvo?
Quizás yo tenga algo de culpa,
pero si es verdad
que me quieres amor mío, porque?
Porque te alejas de mi…
Y sin que tú me lo digas,
se que estuviste apunto
de decirme que no me querías.
Entonces porque dijiste
amarme y demostraste
ser feliz a mi lado…
y ahora te vas?
Porque has pasado
horas a mi lado
plenas de un letargo amoroso y
revelado en tu mirada
la pasión que sentías
en ese momento…?
Es que a caso todo era mentira?,
es que acaso ya no soportabas
mis besos y mis caricias
al grado de ya no querer nada?
Quiero y necesito creer
que todo esto es mentira!!!
que no me abandonarás
y que siempre estarás conmigo!!!!!,
lloro, y me duele, y grito,
y mis lágrimas no dejan de salir…
Pero se que no es así,
pues la realidad es otra,
puesto que tu
me has hablado con la verdad…
Si tu amor es
tan grande como dices,
porque me haces esto?
Porque me dejas sola y triste…
O a caso solo venías
para llenar unas horas
de soledad o de hastío?
Te confieso que
me has sorprendido,
creí conocerte,
pero me doy cuenta que…
Nunca lo hice,
y aunque te vayas amor mío,
espero que me lleves
en tu recuerdo, en tu memoria…
Y gracias por el tiempo que me diste…
Adiós, mi querido amor…
( Magali Sauceda )
Labels: Poemas de Despedida
Tu puerto lejano
Tu puerto lejano
He levado el ancla que dejé encallada en tus sueños,
Parto con mis velas rotas y mi barca maltrecha
Pero con el viento en popa a mi favor.
Mi camino es largo sobre el mar de mis anhelos
Y aún se es inmenso mi dolor, navegaré sin miedo
Pues ahora baso mi fortaleza en éste amor propio
Y por ti no tocaré el fondo de nuevo.
No conozco mi destino aún, no se cuanto he de tardar
Pueden ser horas, minutos, o quizás una eternidad,
Ya no temo al horizonte que diviso pues
Hoy el sol en mi vuelve a brillar.
Aunque he tirado la brújula de mi desventura
Sé que voy por buen camino pues me acompaña
Como siempre mi confidente, mi luna amiga, aquella
Que con tristeza iluminó mi soledad y ahora mi partida.
He superado al fin la tormenta de tus desaires
Y la tromba de tus desplantes ha desbastado
Mis sueños de cuidarte y adorarte, pero ya no siento
Por ti odio, después de ti he aprendido a valorarme.
Navego con bandera de ilusión asida al asta de mi esperanza
Y aún mi camino sea largo, oscuro y con oleadas
El aire fresco que respiro ahora me huele a paz
Y a mi libertad que en ti buscaba.
Y hoy por fin con desazón he logrado desterrarte
de lo mas profundo de mis entrañas, y si bien
de soledad he de morir no naufragaré, ni volveré a
anclarme en tus turbias aguas.
( Carlos Valderrama Perez )
Labels: Poemas de Despedida
Monday, January 3, 2011
Amor es amar
Llegas, amor, cuando la vida ya nada me ofrecía
sino un duro sabor de lenta consunción
y un saberse dolor desamparado,
casi ceniza de tinieblas;
llega tu voz a destrozar la noche
y asciendes por mi cuerpo
como el cálido pulso hacia el latir postrero
de quien a solas sabe
que un abismo de duelo lo sostiene.
Nada había sin ti,
ni un sueño transformado en vida,
ni la certeza que nos precipita
hasta el total saberse consumido;
sólo un pavor entre mi noche
levantando su voz de precipicio;
era una sombra que se destrozaba,
incierta en húmedas tinieblas
y engañosas palabras destruidas,
trocadas en blasfemias que a los ojos
ni luz ni sombra daban:
era el temor a ser sólo una lágrima.
Mas el mundo renace al encontrarte,
y la luz es de nuevo
ascendiendo hacia el aire
la tersa calidez de sus alientos
lentamente erigidos;
brotan de fuerza y cólera
y de un aroma suavecomo espuma,
tal un leve recuerdo
que de pronto se hiciera un muro de dureza
o manantial de sombra.
Y en ti mi corazón no tiene forma
ni es un círculo en paz con su tristeza,
sino un pequeño fuego,
el grito que florece en medio de los labios
y torna a ser el fin
un sencillo reflejo de tu cuerpo,
el cristal que a tu imagen desafía,
el sueño que en tu sombra se aniquila.
Olas de luz tu voz, tu aliento y tu mirada
en la dolida playa de mi cuerpo;
olas que en mí desnúdanse como alas,
hechas rumor de espuma, oscuridad, aroma tierno,
cuando al sentirme junto a tu desnudo
se ilumina la forma de mi cuerpo.
Un mar de sombra eres, y entre tu sal oscura
hay un mundo de luz amanecido.
Labels: Poemas de Amor
Tu recuerdo
Tu recuerdo
al recordar tus ojos,
melancolica voy
susurrando tu nombre
para saber si en
algun lejano lugar
me piensas y sientes...
mis ojos ya se han secado
de tanto llorarte.
Me quedo callada
cuando tu aroma
llega hasta mi lugar
te extraño tanto!
que mi alma
se sacude de dolor
al sentirte tan lejos
de mis besos
mis primaveras
ya no tienen los colores
del arco iris,
porque son los inviernos
los que se alojan en mi.
Desde que te has ido
Lejos te encuentras
y aun asi te puedo sentir
en mis noches,
cuando las tormentas
vienen a mi mente,
te necesito,
esa voz clara,
esa voz que trae paz
a mi corazon
tus ojos transparentes
los necesito,
esas palabras
que no he vuelto oir,
siento que mi corazon
se detiene,
cuando tu recuerdo viene.
Ya mis versos son tristes
de tanta ausencia...
Ven, escucha como te llamo
en la lejania
Ven, que solo contigo
puedo ser feliz..
solo contigo amor.
( shoshnn )
Labels: Poemas de Recuerdos
Ver Triunfo de Amor Capitulo 51
Ver Triunfo de Amor Capitulo 51 Online - Hoy Lunes 03 de enero de 2011 les voy a presentar un nuevo capítulo, de la Telenovela Triunfo de Amor, Capítulo que se trasmite por Televisión de lunes a viernes , Triunfo de Amor es una Telenovela realizada por Televisión quienes tienen todos los derechos de Trasmisión. El capítulo de su telenovela favorita Triunfo de Amor se encuentra en alta calidad de vídeo y sonido para que no puedan perderse ningún detalle de esta super telenovela, además de eso lo podrás descargar gratis a tu ordenador. Este es el capítulo de Triunfo de Amor Capítulo de hoy Lunes 03 de enero de 2011. Espero que la disfruten sin problema alguno su Telenovela Faborita
Labels: Telenovelas
Ver Aurora Capitulo 42
Ver Aurora Capitulo 42 Online - Hoy Lunes 03 de enero de 2011 les voy a presentar un nuevo capítulo, de la Telenovela Aurora, Capítulo que se trasmite por Televisión de lunes a viernes , Aurora es una Telenovela realizada por Televisión quienes tienen todos los derechos de Trasmisión. El capítulo de su telenovela favorita Aurora se encuentra en alta calidad de vídeo y sonido para que no puedan perderse ningún detalle de esta super telenovela, además de eso lo podrás descargar gratis a tu ordenador. Este es el capítulo de Aurora Capítulo de hoy Lunes 03 de enero de 2011. Espero que la disfruten sin problema alguno su Telenovela Faborita
Labels: Telenovelas
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Nadie se cruza en tu vida por azar.
Tiene un lindo mensaje sobre la amistad, el amor y sobres las personas que nos rodeas y tiene una musica muy relajante.
Labels: Reflexiones
Saturday, January 1, 2011
A Otro Ella Amba
A Otro Ella Amba
confio Ciegamente
En La Mujer Que Amo
Y Al Cabo De Un Tiempo
cuando Ella Me Falla
Soy Yo El Unico Que Lloro
La Persona A A Quien Yo Amaba
Y Por Ella Mi Vida Entera Yo Dava
Pero El Amor Me Cego
Y Me Deje Llevar
Confie Ciegamente
Pero Descubri Qe A Otro Ella Amba
Como Yo No Me Imaginaba
Qe En Su Ausencia Yo Lloraba
Si No Valia La Pena Porqe
Era Tricionera Mentirosa
Envustera Y Gracias
A Dios La Oolvide.
( leodan tocto jimenez )
Labels: Poemas de Desamor
Aruna - Tho Aa Roju Rathri
Eastman Dental Hospital:The Eastman Dental Hospital is a specialist hospital for dental treatment in London, United Kingdom and forms a part of the University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.It is located on Gray's Inn Road, in the Bloomsbury area of Central London.It is closely associated with University College London (UCL) and in partnership with the UCL Eastman Dental Institute, which occupies the same site, it is a major centre for dental research and the largest provider of postgraduate teaching and training in dentistry in Europe.In 2009 there were more than 22,000 orthodontic appointments at the hospital, making its orthodontic department one of the largest in the UK.It is part of both the UCLH/UCL Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre and the UCL Partners academic health science centre.
Udaya Bhanu - Dengulata
Loughborough University:Loughborough University is a campus university located in the market town of Loughborough, Leicestershire, in the East Midlands of England.It has been a university since 1966, but the institution dates back to 1909, when the then Loughborough Technical Institute began with a focus on skills and knowledge which would be directly applicable in the wider world, a tradition which continues to this day, with the UNIEI funded Annual Survey on University Technology Transfer Activities finding Loughborough to be the most efficient technology transfer operation in the UK.Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry:Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry (PCMD) is a Medical and Dental school in England, run in partnership with the University of Exeter, the University of Plymouth and the NHS in Devon and Cornwall. The school has campuses at the University of Plymouth, the University of Exeter, the John Bull Building (Derriford Hospital and Tamar Science Park), the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital and the Royal Cornwall Hospital.
Rommalloa Ruchi-01-02
Eastman Dental Hospital:The Eastman Dental Hospital is a specialist hospital for dental treatment in London, United Kingdom and forms a part of the University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.It is located on Gray's Inn Road, in the Bloomsbury area of Central London.It is closely associated with University College London (UCL) and in partnership with the UCL Eastman Dental Institute, which occupies the same site, it is a major centre for dental research and the largest provider of postgraduate teaching and training in dentistry in Europe.In 2009 there were more than 22,000 orthodontic appointments at the hospital, making its orthodontic department one of the largest in the UK.It is part of both the UCLH/UCL Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre and the UCL Partners academic health science centre.
Pakkinti Pellaam Tho Dengulata
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies:The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) is part of the School of Advanced Study of the University of London. It was founded in 1946 as a national academic institution to promote and advance legal research, implementing a proposal of 1934 report of the Legal Education Committee chaired by Lord Atkin. It became part of the University of London's School of Advanced Study in 1994. In addition to academic research, it caters for the postgraduate law students at London University who are studying for an LLM or PhD. It also arranges seminars and lectures, many of which are open to the public.The IALS library, part of the University of London Research Library Services, is considered the leading library for law research in the UK. It holds around 300,000 individual items and subscribes to about 3,000 legal journals. The library also houses an extensive archive of documents relating to legal education.
Chilipi-07 - Raa Dengu Plzz
St George's, University of London:St George's, University of London (SGUL), previously known as St George's Hospital Medical School (SGHMS), is a specialist medical college of the University of London, and one of the United Hospitals. The college has its origins in 1733,and was the second institution in England to provide formal training courses for doctors (after the University of Oxford). St George's Hospital Medical School affiliated with the University of London soon after the latter's establishment in 1836. As of 2008 the medical school accepted around 100 graduates, 175 undergraduates and 10 students from overseas making it one of the larger UK medical schools.
Pryunaku Lekha - Aa Roju Rathri
London School of Economics: The London School of Economics and Political Science (informally the London School of Economics or the LSE) is a public research university specialised in the social sciences located in London, United Kingdom and a constituent college of the federal University of London. Founded in 1895 by Fabian Society members Sidney Webb, Beatrice Webb and George Bernard Shaw,the LSE joined the University of London in 1900 and degrees were issued to its students from 1902 onwards. Despite its name the LSE conducts teaching and research across the entire range of the social sciences, including accounting and finance, anthropology, economics, geography, history, international relations, law, philosophy, politics, psychology, social policy and sociology.
Preyudni Vachchina Bhaaryatoa
London Business School:London Business School (LBS) is an international business school and a constituent college of the University of London, located in central London, beside Regent's Park. LBS teaches postgraduate programmes in finance and management, in addition to its MBA flagship program, Sloan Fellowship Program for experienced business executives, Masters in Finance (also known as MiF, a finance specialist programme), Masters in Management for students with less than a year's work experience, PhD, as well as non-masters programmes for business executives. It was established in 1964, after the Franks Report recommended the establishment of two business schools, as part of existing universities (London Business School and Manchester Business School), but with considerable autonomy.It has close collaborations with the nearby University College London and the Modern Language Centre at King's College London. In December 2006 launched its operations in Dubai, which include an executive MBA degree and Executive Education programmes.
Saahityam Sarasam Srungaaram-01-02
RenDu Jantala Dengulata - Kamakeli
Imperial College London: Imperial College London (officially The Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine)is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom specialised in business, engineering, medicine and science.Formerly a constituent college of the federal University of London, Imperial became fully independent in 2007, the 100th anniversary of its founding.Imperial's main campus is located in the South Kensington area of Central London on the boundary between the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and the City of Westminster, with its main entrance on Exhibition Road. It has a number of other campuses in Central London, including in Chelsea, Hammersmith and Paddington. With a total of 525,233 square metres of operational property, it has the largest estate of any higher education institution in the UK.
Suka Saptati-01
Wimbledon College of Art: Wimbledon College of Art (formerly Wimbledon School of Art) is a constituent college of the University of the Arts London and is one of London's major art institutions. It is located in Wimbledon and Merton Park, South West London.Wimbledon is divided into three academic schools:
* School of Foundation Studies
* School of Fine Art
* School of Theatre
Each school delivers a suite of specialist art and design courses ranging from foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate, as well as providing research supervision for students undertaking a research programme of study.
Suka Saptati - Kamakeli
University of Cambridge: The University of Cambridge (informally Cambridge University, or simply Cambridge) is a public research university located in Cambridge, United Kingdom. It is the second oldest university in both England and the English-speaking world and the seventh oldest university globally. In post-nominals the university's name is abbreviated as Cantab, a shortened form of Cantabrigiensis (an adjective derived from Cantabrigia, the Latinised form of Cambridge).The university grew out of an association of scholars in the city of Cambridge that was formed, early records suggest, in 1209 by scholars leaving Oxford after a dispute with townsfolk.The two "ancient universities" have many common features and are often jointly referred to as Oxbridge. In addition to cultural and practical associations as a historic part of British society, the two universities have a long history of rivalry with each other.Academically, Cambridge ranks as one of the world's top universities. Cambridge now ranks first place in the world according to the QS university rankings, ahead of Harvard and Yale, and contends with Oxford for first place in UK league tables.
Rambha Tho Aa Roju Rathri
Ratiloa Aadavaari Istaalu- Phalitaalu
Aston University:Aston University is a "plate glass" campus university situated at Gosta Green, in the city centre of Birmingham, England.The lake at the heart of the campus with triangular fountain. Established in 1895 as the Birmingham Municipal Technical School, Aston was granted its Royal Charter as Aston University on 22 April 1966. Following from its background in Technology, Business, Sciences, Engineering and applied subjects, Aston continues to have a focus on industry and commerce. The University also has a thriving School of Languages and Social Sciences. A majority of undergraduate students are registered on courses leading to a BSc and 70% of eligible undergraduate students at Aston are enrolled on four-year "sandwich" courses, spending a year abroad or on industry placements.The university emphasises its focus on industry placements and graduate employment record:in 2007-8, 83% of first degree graduates found "graduate level" employment within six months of graduation, compared to the UK national average of less than 70%. This was the 8th highest proportion of all UK Universities and Colleges.
Starting Trouble - Raa Dengu Inka Dengu
Wimbledon College of Art: Wimbledon College of Art (formerly Wimbledon School of Art) is a constituent college of the University of the Arts London and is one of London's major art institutions. It is located in Wimbledon and Merton Park, South West London.Wimbledon is divided into three academic schools:
* School of Foundation Studies
* School of Fine Art
* School of Theatre
Each school delivers a suite of specialist art and design courses ranging from foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate, as well as providing research supervision for students undertaking a research programme of study.
Sruti Layalu - Aa Roju Rathri
London College of Fashion: London College of Fashion (LCF) is a constituent college of the University of the Arts London, offering undergraduate, postgraduate, short coursess and business-training in fashion and lifestyle industries. It is the only college in Britain to specialise in fashion education, research and consultancy.The London College of Fashion is a constituent college of the University of the Arts London, with Camberwell College of Arts, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, Chelsea College of Art and Design, London College of Communication and Wimbledon College of Art.
Sree Vaari Snaehitunitoa 01-05
The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) is a public research university located in the Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, United States. It was founded in 1919 and is the second oldest of the ten campuses affiliated with the University of California system. UCLA offers over 300 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in a wide range of disciplines and enrolls about 26,000 undergraduate and about 11,000 graduate students from the United States and around the world every year.UCLA is organized into five undergraduate colleges, seven professional schools, and five professional Health Science schools. Eleven Nobel laureates have been affiliated with the university as faculty, researchers, or alumni, 37 have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences, 20 to the National Academy of Engineering, and 97 to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Saaniya - Dengulata
The Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg is a public research university located in Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Founded in 1386, it is the oldest university in Germany and was the fourth university established in the Holy Roman Empire. A coeducational institution since 1899, today Heidelberg consists of twelve faculties and offers degree programs at undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral levels in some 100 disciplines.It is a German Excellence University, as well as a founding member of the League of European Research Universities, the Coimbra Group, and the European University Association.
Central European University is a graduate-level, English-language university offering degrees in the social sciences, humanities, law, public policy, business management, environmental science, and mathematics. The university is located in Budapest, and is accredited in the United States and in Hungary.CEU has more than 1500 students from 100 countries and 300 faculty members from more than 30 countries. In 2005, university co-founder George Soros announced he was doubling the CEU's endowment to €400 million .
Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. It is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational argument.The word "philosophy" comes from the Greek philosophia, which literally means "love of wisdom"
Sreevaari Kaburlu-15
Modern scientific psychiatry; psychopharmacology; psychiatric genetics. environmental physics. and modern sociology were introduced as scientific disciplines by Heidelberg faculty. Associated with 30 Nobel Prize laureates, the university continues to emphasize research. It is consistently ranked among Europe's top overall universities, and is an international education venue for doctoral students, with approximately 1,000 doctorates successfully completed every year, and with more than one third of the doctoral students coming from abroad. International students from some 130 countries account for more than 20 percent of the entire student body.
Sreevaari Kaburlu-01-14
Florida Coastal School of Law is a private, for-profit law school, opened in 1996 in Jacksonville, Florida. The school is owned by a large for-profit educational investment fund called InfiLaw, which also owns Charlotte School of Law and Phoenix School of Law.Coastal Law received its license from the state of Florida in 1995 and opened for classes in winter 1996. The class entering in 1996 graduated in spring 1999. The college was provisionally approved by the American Bar Association in 1999 and received its full accreditation in 2001.
Speed - Aa Roju Rathri
American University of Sharjah is an independent, not-for-profit coeducational higher educational institution in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, founded in 1997 by His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohamed Al-Qasimi, Member of the UAE Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah. Its medium of instruction is English, and it is based on American-style universities. AUS consistently ranks among the top universities in the Middle East.The university is the flagship institution in Sharjah's 1,600-acre University City, which incorporates a number of other universities, among which is the University of Sharjah.
Akkaku Raasina Lekha - Dengulata
Lady Politician - Dengulata
A Federal Perkins Loan, or Perkins Loan, is a need-based student loan offered by the U.S. Department of Education to assist American college students in funding their post-secondary education. The program is named after Carl D. Perkins, a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Kentucky.Perkins Loans carry a fixed interest rate of 5% for the duration of the ten-year repayment period. The Perkins Loan Program has a nine-month grace period, so that borrowers begin repayment in the tenth month upon graduating, falling below half-time status, or withdrawing from their college or university. Because the Perkins Loan is subsidized by the government, interest does not begin to accrue until the borrower begins to repay the loan. As of the 2009-2010 academic year, the loan limits for undergraduates are $5,500 per year with a lifetime maximum loan of $27,500. For graduate students, the limit is $8,000 per year with a lifetime limit of $60,000
Neenu Na Love story
The London College of Communication (LCC) (formerly the London College of Printing, and briefly London College of Printing and Distributive Trades) is a constituent college of the University of the Arts London. The college is located in Elephant and Castle, South London, and was originally based in Waterloo. It specialises in media and design courses, such as publishing, print, and graphic design. The college is one of the seven national Skillset Screen Academies.In 1967, the North Western Polytechnic (now London Metropolitan University) printing department transferred to the College.In 2007, the college established the Stanley Kubrick Archive, based on the collection of film director Stanley Kubrick. Since 2005 the LCC has hosted the annual Hugh Cudlipp lecture.